ENPI, Lider në zgjidhjet Energjitike

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Dry type cast resin transformer

Our MFC branded dry type cast resin transformers are being manufactured to serve in to the market with high qualityfrom 100kVA up to 10mVA and 52kV isolation level three or single phase and AN/AF cooling type. Our company, provides dry type cast resin transformers with high quality and performance for various applications to the market. Due to compatibility of special and international standards our transformers are available to use on high altitudes and sea level espacially in hard conditions. In terms of not to flammable and self extinguishing, exempt of position gas contents, low noise level and low electro magnetic emision our transfomers provides environment safety.

Cast Resin Type of Transformers are dampproof and also suitable to work in humity and excessive pollution ambience. Cast resin type transformers are ideal to work on  -25 °C and also can be work on  more than %95 humid environment.